Acque Sante | Centro Termale di Antonimina e Locri

Timetables and rates

The following timetables may be temporarily subject to change.

Monday to Friday

Morning: 7:30 – 12:00

Afternoon: 16:30- 19:00


Morning: 7:30 – 12:30

Afternoon: Closed

Sunday and feast days


Access to the thermal baths

The Antonimina-Locri Thermal Baths are accredited by the National Health Service (SSN) and can be accessed on the simple request of the attending physician, a pediatrician or a specialist.

The thermal treatments of the “Acque Sante” spa centre can be:

  • PRIVATE: you can have access to treatments after having made the thermal initiation medical examination or the specialist visit at the establishment itself;

    like everyone else, you can benefit from a cycle of thermal treatments per year. It is sufficient to have a prescription from your family physician or pediatrician.


Carefully read our instructions on how to access the spa treatments agreed with the S.S.N and follow our indications in order to take advantage of the agreement.

Everyone, except the exempt, is subject to the payment of a ticket for the thermal treatments.

Thermal treatments tariff

Medical thermal visit (healthcare for the entire period of treatment)  €15,00

Balneo - mud therapies

Otolaryngological treatments

Gynecological treatments

Physiotherapy (being updated)

The treatments listed below are performed after the physiatrist’s prescription

Beutician season 2024